Publications of National Museum of Canada

Médium: Kniha
Jazyk: Anglicky
Vydáno: Canada: National Museums of Canada,
Konspekt: 57/59
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Čárový kód Číslo Signatura Umístění Stav Výpůjčky
460150007965 142/Annual reports for the fiscal year 1954-55
142/Annual reports for the fiscal year 1954-55
2/VI regál 2 Dostupné
460150007966 147/Annual reports for the fiscal year 1955-56
147/Annual reports for the fiscal year 1955-56
2/VI regál 2 Dostupné
460150007967 186/Contributions to botany 1960-61
186/Contributions to botany 1960-61
2/VI regál 2 Dostupné
460150007968 9/1980/A Catalogue of the Marine Algae of the Canadian Arctic
9/1980/A Catalogue of the Marine Algae of the Canadian Arctic
2/VI regál 2 Dostupné
460150007969 8/1980/Checklist of the Mosses of Canada
8/1980/Checklist of the Mosses of Canada
2/VI regál 2 Dostupné
460150007970 5/1975/Checklist of the Mosses of Ontario
5/1975/Checklist of the Mosses of Ontario
2/VI regál 2 Dostupné
460150007971 4/1974/Materials for a Flora of Central Yukon Territory
4/1974/Materials for a Flora of Central Yukon Territory
2/VI regál 2 Dostupné
460150007972 12/1982/The lake Athabasca sand dunes of northern Saskatchewan and Alberta, Canada
12/1982/The lake Athabasca sand dunes of northern Saskatchewan and Alberta, Canada
2/VI regál 2 Dostupné
460150007973 5/1985/Botanical Studies in the Lake Hazen Region, Northern Ellesmere Island, Northwest Territories, Canada
5/1985/Botanical Studies in the Lake Hazen Region, Northern Ellesmere Island, Northwest Territories, Canada
2/VI regál 2 Dostupné
460150007974 1969/Annual report of the forest insect and disease survey
1969/Annual report of the forest insect and disease survey
2/VI regál 2 Dostupné
460150007975 207/1966/Marine Algae of British Columbia and Northern Washington, Part I: Chlorophyceae
207/1966/Marine Algae of British Columbia and Northern Washington, Part I: Chlorophyceae
2/VI regál 2 Dostupné
460150007976 216/1966/Contribution to Botany IV
216/1966/Contribution to Botany IV
2/VI regál 2 Dostupné
460150007977 171/1961/Contribution to Botany 1959
171/1961/Contribution to Botany 1959
2/VI regál 2 Dostupné
460150007978 164/1959/The terrestrial cryptogams of northern ellesmere island
164/1959/The terrestrial cryptogams of northern ellesmere island
2/VI regál 2 Dostupné
460150007979 160/1959/Contributions to botany 1958
160/1959/Contributions to botany 1958
2/VI regál 2 Dostupné
460150007980 156/1958/Plants of the clay belt of northern Ontario and Quebec
156/1958/Plants of the clay belt of northern Ontario and Quebec
2/VI regál 2 Dostupné
460150007981 11/1981/The St.John´s-Worts of Canada (Guttiferae)
11/1981/The St.John´s-Worts of Canada (Guttiferae)
2/VI regál 2 Dostupné
460150007982 10/1981/The arctic-alpine element of the vascular flora at lake superior
10/1981/The arctic-alpine element of the vascular flora at lake superior
2/VI regál 2 Dostupné
460150007983 3/1973/Freshwater Algae of Ellesmere Island, N.W.T.
3/1973/Freshwater Algae of Ellesmere Island, N.W.T.
2/VI regál 2 Dostupné
460150007984 2/1973/The Genus Salix in Alaska and the Yukon
2/1973/The Genus Salix in Alaska and the Yukon
2/VI regál 2 Dostupné
460150007985 1/1969/A Taxonomic Revision of the Genus Plagiothecium for North America, North of Mexico
1/1969/A Taxonomic Revision of the Genus Plagiothecium for North America, North of Mexico
2/VI regál 2 Dostupné
460150007986 146/1973/Illustrated Flora of the Canadian Arctic Archipelago (1957)
146/1973/Illustrated Flora of the Canadian Arctic Archipelago (1957)
2/VI regál 2 Dostupné