Publications of the Museum Michigan State University

Médium: Kniha
Jazyk: Anglicky
Vydáno: Michigan: Michigan State University,
Konspekt: 57
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Čárový kód Číslo Signatura Umístění Stav Výpůjčky
460150007918 5/7/1981 Population characteristics of Agouti paca (Rodentia) in Colombia
5/7/1981 Population characteristics of Agouti paca (Rodentia) in Colombia
2/VI regál 2 Dostupné
460150007919 5/6/1979 Patterns of habitat selection and occurrence in the deermouse
5/6/1979 Patterns of habitat selection and occurrence in the deermouse
2/VI regál 2 Dostupné
460150007920 5/4/1976 Pteridophyte hybrids
5/4/1976 Pteridophyte hybrids
2/VI regál 2 Dostupné
460150007921 5/5/1977 Birds of the capital count area of Michigan
5/5/1977 Birds of the capital count area of Michigan
2/VI regál 2 Dostupné
460150007922 5/3/1975 Biology of Pampa rodents
5/3/1975 Biology of Pampa rodents
2/VI regál 2 Dostupné
460150007923 5/2/1974 Records of mammals from Ecuador
5/2/1974 Records of mammals from Ecuador
2/VI regál 2 Dostupné
460150007924 5/1/1974 Computer programs for Specimen Identification, Key Construction and Description Printing Using Taxonomic Data Matrices
5/1/1974 Computer programs for Specimen Identification, Key Construction and Description Printing Using Taxonomic Data Matrices
2/VI regál 2 Dostupné
460150007925 4/8/1970 The systematics of the genera Sabazia, Selloa and Tricarpha (Compositae)
4/8/1970 The systematics of the genera Sabazia, Selloa and Tricarpha (Compositae)
2/VI regál 2 Dostupné
460150007926 3/1/1965 Studies on Neotropical thrushes in Colombia
3/1/1965 Studies on Neotropical thrushes in Colombia
2/VI regál 2 Dostupné
460150007927 3/2/1965 Mammals of malleco province Chile
3/2/1965 Mammals of malleco province Chile
2/VI regál 2 Dostupné
460150007928 3/3/1967 Spiders of beaver Island Michigan
3/3/1967 Spiders of beaver Island Michigan
2/VI regál 2 Dostupné
460150007934 4/9/Karyology, Systematics and Chromosomal Evolution in the Rodent Genus, Sigmodon
4/9/Karyology, Systematics and Chromosomal Evolution in the Rodent Genus, Sigmodon
2/VI regál 2 Dostupné
460150007935 4/7/The least weasel, Mustela nivalis Linnaeus
4/7/The least weasel, Mustela nivalis Linnaeus
2/VI regál 2 Dostupné
460150007936 4/6/Amphibians and Reptiles from Malleco Province Chile
4/6/Amphibians and Reptiles from Malleco Province Chile
2/VI regál 2 Dostupné
460150007937 4/4/The red cedar river report II
4/4/The red cedar river report II
2/VI regál 2 Dostupné
460150007938 4/5/The Pleistocene Amphibians and Reptiles of Texas
4/5/The Pleistocene Amphibians and Reptiles of Texas
2/VI regál 2 Dostupné
460150007939 4/2/The red cedar river report I
4/2/The red cedar river report I
2/VI regál 2 Dostupné
460150007940 4/3/Taxonomic Analysis of Electrophoretic blood serum petterns in the Cotton Rat, Sigmodon
4/3/Taxonomic Analysis of Electrophoretic blood serum petterns in the Cotton Rat, Sigmodon
2/VI regál 2 Dostupné
460150007941 4/1/The mexican skink Eumeces lynxe
4/1/The mexican skink Eumeces lynxe
2/VI regál 2 Dostupné
460150007942 3/4/Lichens of the Black hills
3/4/Lichens of the Black hills
2/VI regál 2 Dostupné
460150007943 3/5/The genus Bromus (Gramineae) in Mexico and Central America
3/5/The genus Bromus (Gramineae) in Mexico and Central America
2/VI regál 2 Dostupné
460150007944 2/1961-1965
2/VI regál 2 Dostupné
460150007945 2/1-1961/Notes on the Herpetofauna of the El Dorado Area of Sinaloa, Mexico
2/1-1961/Notes on the Herpetofauna of the El Dorado Area of Sinaloa, Mexico
2/VI regál 2 Dostupné
460150007946 2/2-1962/Mammals of the Mexican State of Durango
2/2-1962/Mammals of the Mexican State of Durango
2/VI regál 2 Dostupné
460150007947 2/3-1963/Studies on The Effects of DDT On Birds
2/3-1963/Studies on The Effects of DDT On Birds
2/VI regál 2 Dostupné
460150007948 2/4-1963/Nearctic genera of Anthomyiini (Musicidae, Diptera)
2/4-1963/Nearctic genera of Anthomyiini (Musicidae, Diptera)
2/VI regál 2 Dostupné
460150007949 2/5-1963/Notes of the Birds of Durango, Mexico
2/5-1963/Notes of the Birds of Durango, Mexico
2/VI regál 2 Dostupné
460150007950 2/6-1964/Mammals of Beaver Island Michigan
2/6-1964/Mammals of Beaver Island Michigan
2/VI regál 2 Dostupné
460150007951 2/7-1964/Measurement of Consociation Among Fishes
2/7-1964/Measurement of Consociation Among Fishes
2/VI regál 2 Dostupné
460150007952 2/8-1965/A review of the Genus Cicadulina
2/8-1965/A review of the Genus Cicadulina
2/VI regál 2 Dostupné
460150007953 2/9-1965/A Systematic Study of the Genus Astranthium (Compositae, Astereae)
2/9-1965/A Systematic Study of the Genus Astranthium (Compositae, Astereae)
2/VI regál 2 Dostupné
460150007954 1/1/1957/The least tern in the Mississippi Valley
1/1/1957/The least tern in the Mississippi Valley
2/VI regál 2 Dostupné
460150007955 1/3/1958/The brush mouse Peromyscus boylii in Southern Durango
1/3/1958/The brush mouse Peromyscus boylii in Southern Durango
2/VI regál 2 Dostupné
460150007956 1/4/1959/Albinism in North American Amphibians and Reptiles
1/4/1959/Albinism in North American Amphibians and Reptiles
2/VI regál 2 Dostupné
460150007957 1/5/1959/The bog lamming Synaptomys cooperi in Southern New Jersey
1/5/1959/The bog lamming Synaptomys cooperi in Southern New Jersey
2/VI regál 2 Dostupné
460150007958 1/6/1959/Notes on Reptiles From the Mexican State of Durango
1/6/1959/Notes on Reptiles From the Mexican State of Durango
2/VI regál 2 Dostupné
460150007959 1/7/1959/New Vertebrate Fossil Localities in the Vale Formation (Lower Permian) of North-Central Texas
1/7/1959/New Vertebrate Fossil Localities in the Vale Formation (Lower Permian) of North-Central Texas
2/VI regál 2 Dostupné
460150007960 1/8/1960/The Mints (Family Labiatae) of Michigan
1/8/1960/The Mints (Family Labiatae) of Michigan
2/VI regál 2 Dostupné
460150007961 1/9/1960/Mammals of the Guadiana Lava Field Durango, Mexico
1/9/1960/Mammals of the Guadiana Lava Field Durango, Mexico
2/VI regál 2 Dostupné
460150007962 1/10/1960/Dispersal of Young Marine Fishes Near Woods Hole, Massachusetts
1/10/1960/Dispersal of Young Marine Fishes Near Woods Hole, Massachusetts
2/VI regál 2 Dostupné
460150007963 1/11/1960/The Lichen Genus Nephroma in North and Middle America
1/11/1960/The Lichen Genus Nephroma in North and Middle America
2/VI regál 2 Dostupné
460150007964 1/2/1958/Nesting and Food Habits of The long-eared owl in Michigan
1/2/1958/Nesting and Food Habits of The long-eared owl in Michigan
2/VI regál 2 Dostupné